Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shopping 101

Clothes and shoes are very important. They tell people what kind of people we are.

Either your clothes say youre loud, shy or just love fashion. What you wear say alot

about you. Some people just throw something on themselves and walk outside. Very

upseting. The world is trying to improve people's closet. That why we have shows like

What not to wear, Project runway or even america's next top model. So the next time

you pick out what to wear for the day. Think about how you are showing yourself to the


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Friends and me

My friends are the most crazy people you will ever want to meet. Once time were hanging
out in manhattan all night. Just joking and laughing at everyone we saw. People kept
watching us trying to see if we would do something terrible.
They do the most random things. You will never go home the same.

I love them so much because of the fact that you can be sad or mad about your day. And they will make all your worries go away.

We are always there for each other. Its not like life is one big party. There are bad times and good times.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Just Being me

I am just trying to get my life back on track. And thats not really easy.Back to school its been really different. But i am meeting some really great people along the life you always have to expect change.And learn to deal with ever life throws at you. You also get alot of experincefrom it. And youre better off. Untill next time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My neighborhood

Well my neighborhood is much like any other. I live in the bronx ny. Right near Yankee
stadium. So its cool i am always there when the yankees are playing. And i always keep up
with there games. The Trains that go around there are D and 4 trains. My neighborhood is
really busy around the summer season.

I have lived there for about 12 to 13 years. So i pretty much know everyone and everyone
knows me. I live right a cross the street from a park. So i always seeing guys and kids

Well there is a mall near yankee stadium. And there is a pretty big food court.
So basically my neighborhood is good. And the most famous thing like i said
before is the yankee stadium.